Saturday, January 15, 2005

Learning how to throw away trash in Japan

My first day at my apartment was riddled with, "where do I throw this away?!?" In Japan, everything has to be seperated. I was assembling furniture and putting away all my household goods. With the limited space I have, I actually brought over too much stuff and I need to throw some of it away. I was given a charted index of where everything is supposed to go. It was somewhat helpful, but it looks like a Japanese person typed it out in "Engrish". Stuff like, light bulbs, batteries and ink cartridges have to be brought back to the store. I've been going from store-to-store and I kept a mental note of where to throw these specific items away. It is amazing how clean Japan is considering the fact that there's no trash bins anywhere. I'm having to get used to having to wash packaging before it gets recycled. I have to remove staples out of junk mail and put it in the "metals other than can" category. My first time doing this is actually frustrating and very time consuming. I'm starting to hate packaging that have clear plastic attached to paper or cardboard. I heard that if you don't sort your trash correctly, it never gets picked up. Gee... I hope I'm sorting my trash right.

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