Sunday, December 26, 2004

One hour haircut the day after Christmas

Last night, the base had 1 dollar movies, so I got to watch a great movie called "Ocean's Twelve". It is a really good movie. It had a lot of famous good-looking celebrities. It was very good, just like the first movie "Ocean's Eleven". It was about theives trying to steal very expensive stuff and getting through state-of-the-art, top-of-the-line security. If you like complex themes with unusual twist and turns, then you'll like this movie. This movies is not for kids, they'll be bored to death because of the intense complexity. A fat kid that sat behind me fell asleep and snored pretty loud. I wanted to kick him out. But anyways, I give it a 9/10. Must see.

Today, I rode my bike to the barber shop. It was the longest and greatest haircut I've ever received. The Japanese ladies do a really outstanding job and take intricate care for every single piece of hair. I also got some wierd head message. It felt good. The whole haircut experience was about an hour long, even though I didn't have that much hair that needed to be chopped off.

Soco called and it really feels great to receive a phone call now and then from someone. My time here is kinda lonely, but I try to keep myself occupied. Last night on the news, a Marine got interviewed about seeing dead civilians and was asked how he feels about it. He replied, "I just try not to think about it."

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