Saturday, December 18, 2004

Groceries in my bike basket

I went shopping at the Commissary to restock my food supply at the Lodge. I loaded up all my groceries into my basket on my bicycle. I felt kinda ghetto, but I gotta do what I gotta do. It makes me miss loading my groceries into the trunk of my ol' Sentra in the U.S.. I'm missing the food that I'm used to eating at the states. I haven't had a good California Pizza kitchen pizza in a long while or an "In and Out" burger. I've been craving those kind of things lately and Christmas is coming up. I'll be spending it alone this holiday and it kinda sucks. But what can I do? I'll just hang out at the Fleet Rec Center with the rest of the single sailors and geographical bachelors. I'm not the only one.

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