Wednesday, November 30, 2005

On the Road Again, Locked and Loaded

Incomplete Sword Structures? - Kuwait City

Everytime we go out, we must be armed and ready to fight to the death. The chances of getting attacked are slim, however, it is being complacent which causes lives to be lost. Going off post makes the time go a lot faster. Being able to see the locals, buildings and barren desert is fascinating. It is no fun being trapped on base. I don't think it is psychologically healthy either. But going out every once in a while helps to relieve stress. Today, I got to see the effects of three days of rain from two weeks ago. Small patches of grass and bushes seem to be blooming which makes a breathtaking desert landscape. I forgot to take my camera on this trip, but I'll bring one next time. After visiting sites around this country, it is obvious to me, that the United States is a huge and powerful force. Helicopters patrolling the air resemble a bunch of black bees swarming over the skies... hundreds of thousands of tanks, humvees, armed men and women, coalition forces, and crablegs. I'm very impressed at the magnitude of our huge and powerful fighting force. No wonder why Saddam was crushed in a matter of weeks. It looks like we are here to stay until the job of strengthining Iraq gets finished.


hunghuynh said...

yes super powerful but don't has good Army still lost

hunghuynh said...

some time loss is powerful Army