Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Japanese like all things Cute

Smart Car - Police Car Style

The commercials, the ads, everything sold in stores... all things must be small, cute and cuddly. Hello Kitty this, Good bye Kitty that. Cute is everywhere. Even garbage men will pick up stuffed dolls and decorate their garbage trucks with them. You'll see Hello Kitty or Winnie the Pooh in the passenger side.

Well, today I drove to Camp Fuji. Once again, it was cloudy and I couldn't see Mt. Fuji at all. I ate at the chow hall and it was pretty good. It is better than the mess hall at any Army base. I had salsbury steak, mashed potatoes, salad, Fanta lemon cola and I topped it off with a huge peach cobbler pie. YUM! Can't beat a full-course meal that only costs $3.50.

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