Sunday, September 12, 2004

The Truth about Joining the Military

I know that this country is built on maintaining a strong military force. I am thankful for those who enlist in the Navy, Army, Air Force and Marines because they are making the ultimate sacrafice: their lives. What I mean by that is that, once they join those respective forces, their liberty and basic freedoms are stripped away. So if you see a disgruntled Marine, Sailor, Airman or Soldier, then you should understand why.

  • The pay sucks (considered poverty level until E-5)
  • No freedom - You can't do what you want when you want. You can never ever call in sick or be late otherwise suffer the consequences that will affect your advancement for the rest of your career.
  • Unfriendly (advancement is hard and cut-throut)
  • Deployable at anytime
  • Work comes first, Family comes second, Educational Opportunities comes dead last - although they preach: "Get a Degree!" Yeah... but duty comes first, you bastards. It took me six years to earn an Associates Degree (2 year degree).
  • Long and Ardous Duty - Long working hours and you don't get paid extra for it. A lot of times you're just waiting for something to happen.
  • No real tax benefits - No taxes is charged in the store on base, but here's the catch, a good number of necessities is more expensive than what you pay for at Wal-Mart or Target. It is a monopoly and I feel sorry for people who can't leave base so that they can take advantage of the competitive prices outside. Also, the Commissary charges a nominal stocking fee called "SCG" which is kinda like taxes, but not as much and also, the baggers work for tips. I don't like tipping people, so I have to see the "ungrateful look" when you don't tip them. One lady even had the nerve to push the tip jar in front of my face when I paid with cash and coupons! I wish I can bag my own groceries.
  • What happens in the past, will come back and bite you in the ass - You maintain a service record that goes with you everywhere you go in your military career.
  • Uniform inspections - What other organization grades you on your uniform appearance? The smallest details can get you in trouble and perhaps ruin your "evaluation". Which can deminish your chance for advancement.
  • Random Urinalysis - I don't enjoy having somebody watching me pee. They must see genitals... that isn't cool.
  • No real respect - The local police will be happy to slap you with that 5 mph over the speed limit ticket even though you are in military uniform and being respectful to the officer. (Officer Grimaldi, Badge Number 15259, you must hate your country.) I especially love it when they set up speed traps, right in front of the base gate to catch people with base stickers.
  • Bullshit - I can't say this enough. There is too much of it.
  • You have to move every 2-3 years - It sucks having to remake friends over and over and over and over...
  • Not good for having a family - The military tries so hard to make it easier for people with families, but the truth is, it is still hard and the pay still sucks and you have to move so many times.
  • Anything, I mean anything, can ruin your military career - You are held responsible for everything you do... no leniency what-so-ever.
  • Maintaining your uniform is expensive - Every little ribbon and patch is gonna cost you. May heaven forbid that you ever accidentally stain your dress uniform.
  • I see Dumb People - There is dumb people everywhere... but it could be argued that we wouldn't even have a military if our country didn't have dumb people.
  • You can't control advancement - Shitbags and complete imbeciles can make rank, become officers and become your boss and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it.
  • Language barrier - A good number of people in the military speak another language and have a hard-to-understand accent.
  • Incompetence - There is lots of it since there is lots of dumb people and people who just don't give a crap about you, because their issues are more important than yours. It is so hard and frustrating to get anything done right. Consider yourself lucky when something gets done the way it was supposed to.
  • Haircuts - I have to get them once every other week. And they get expensive after a while. It is considered to be a "bill".

This is not a complete list. But you get my point.


Unknown said...

wow. i didn't know all of that. thanks for the info.

Anonymous said...

everything you say is true, but its the fucking MILITARY. Its supposed be like that. and besides its some crazy ass shit to get into. Just seeing mankind at its worstt, would be an amazing adventure.