Wednesday, February 08, 2006

United States, the most powerful force in the Universe

US Military Hospital Kuwait Entrance

The United States, I have learned, has infinite money. It is strange, but true fact that it is the wealthiest, bankrupt country in the world. Yet, we are still on top of the world and luckily, other nations love to trade with us. Our only downfall is our reliance on foreign fossil fuels. By the year 2015, electric cars will take over. Hydrogen power is the future.

Food Court

Me and J were having recent discussions and debating about how this war is being fought. I'm thinking that we are doing okay, but it can get better. J jokingly said that, "Genocide is the key to success in warfare. If you kill everybody, there can be no retailiation and the victorious will be happy forever." Is it? It is impossible to conduct such a feat in this war because insurgents blend in with the local population. So no, genocide wouldn't work. The main strategy is: rebuild Iraq's and Afghanistan's economy so they can prosper and influence surrounding Islamic nations by their success. Now, Iran wants to screw everything up by threatening nukes. They're so dumb. Why can't everybody be happy and peaceful? America did them a favor by removing a crazy dictator armed with chemical and biological weapons away from their border. No appreciation what-so-ever.

Helo Ops

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