Saturday, June 25, 2005

"Stingy Bastards"

Although Japanese people may be very nice and polite at times, it seems that they are extremely stingy when it comes to potlucks. They don't like giving out money, sharing with others or making much food for anyone else. Last Friday, we had a going away potluck for our old boss. The deal was to bring 10 dollars or 5 dollars and a dish to the potluck. Well, mysteriously, a lot more people showed up for this party than was invited. Also, those who only contributed 5 dollars, brought a plate... a plate which served five or six people! Reluctlantly, we ran out of food and by the time I got to the table, there was only a spoonful of lasanga and a few bags of chips and soda left. It made me a bit angry... especially those who scooped up two or three servings of a few dishes. Some of those in front of the line, prepared two plates so that they can feed their family. I swear, these people are too greedy. Someone had the nerve to say, "There's no food, I paid 10 dollars!" A Philipino guy who helped organize the event responded, "There's no food, and I paid 20 dollars!" The old Japanese man sat down and shut up. This isn't the first time that this has happened. It happens with every directorate in the hospital who do potlucks that involves their Japanese employees. I will never again participate in potlucks which involve those dirty little potluck scavengers. They contribute the least and eat the most. As Masato-san had stated, "They're stingy bastards."

Little Japanese Town along Tomei Expressway Posted by Hello

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