Friday, June 17, 2005

Camp Fuji

Camp Fuji, Marine Corps Base in mainland Japan Posted by Hello

Today, I had to go to Camp Fuji to do repair work on the clinic's X-ray machine. Their unit was putting out an error code and Emil, Gary and I had to figure it out. The troubleshooting was pretty brutal and the machine was torn apart piece-by-piece. Well, enough about work... The trip to Camp Fuji was pretty cool. It was very scenic and there were many tunnels along the way. I wish I had brought my camera. The rainy season had already started and it has been raining non-stop for almost a week. The rain doesn't really bother me that much. Along the way, I saw a lot of rice paddies and forests and hills. The country side in Japan is a real treat from being in the big cities. The camp had a lot of Marines walking around. I haven't seen so many of them since I was stationed at Camp Pendleton. I heard that the local bars and restaurants prohibits gaigens (foreigners). Probably because they always cause trouble with the local community. ...Which brings back memories of Marines practicing eye gouging exercises on each other.... There was no Navy Exchange. Instead, they had a small AAFES which is run by the Army and Air Force. The main store was so small, I didn't want to buy anything for the fear that I would rob some poor Marine something that he or she could possible use. Imagine a whole store the size of your local gas station and with that being the ONLY store you can go to. I would have to say, that I almost feel sorry for them. Poor bastards... at least everyone stationed there has a nice view of Mt. Fuji on a clear day.

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