Tuesday, May 10, 2005

A Taco Truck!

I'm glad to get off of work at regular time today. I've been working insane hours lately. Mostly, because of JCAHO. A group of people who inspect hospitals. They grade the hospital on how well the staff follows rules and understand them. At the end of the inspection, the hospital is given a grade. Well, our boss wants to do outstanding... an impossible task I must say... But yeah, we do whatever we can.

Pastor Taco Truck! Posted by Hello

The katakana written on the flag says, "TA-KO-SU" ... if said fast, it would sound like, "Tacos". I was told that "Tako" means "octopus". Well anyways, the man standing next to it is half Japanese and half Mexican. His mother is Mexican. Interesting combination... and he speaks fluent Spanish. In this country, taco trucks are super-duper rare... well, it's probably the only one. Anyways, Soco bought me a couple of tacos and it was so good. The guy marinated his meat with a pineapple. He prepares it just like the the Mexicans in California and Tijuana. For those of you not from California, I'm sorry. A taco isn't what you get at Taco Bell. I don't know what the heck those are, but it's definitely not Mexican food. Real Mexican's don't use ground beef. It is frowned upon. Well, enough with the lesson. The guy sells his tacos for 250 yen a piece. (about $2.40) They're kinda small, but really tasty!

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