Saturday, May 27, 2006

Obtaining U.S. Citizenship in Japan

Soco holding Nayeli

Living in Japan and having a baby requires a lot of paperwork. I have to go to the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo to obtain U.S. Citizenship for my new daughter. What a pain. We all have to show up and right now, I'm not in the mood to be riding a train or standing up for a long period of time and neither is Soco. Lately, she has been suffering from swollen feet and she has been elevating it and icing it.

Let me Sleep!

Next week I go to Okinawa for a surgery consult. Hopefully they can fit me in their busy schedule. I've been walking crooked for almost 4 months now. I'm going to have to detox from all the narcotic pain medication I've been taking so far. I hate having to take drugs to control my constant level of pain. It pains me that I can't even lift my new baby. Soco has been taking care of both of us.

Where's Nayeli?

Annoying the Baby 101:
Since having a new baby, I've been getting to have fun in all kinds of ways that I haven't ever been able to do before.
1. Try to keep the baby awake as long as possible until she starts to make an angry face. Nayeli's angry face is so adorable! I think she is getting really annoyed with me.
2. Sing bad songs. I've been singing songs such as "The Addition Song" which annoys her a lot. It goes like this: One plus one is two! One plus two is three! and so on and so forth. When I get to ten, she makes an angry face.
I'm still trying to find new and fun ways to annoy her. She doesn't cry much. Only when she absolutely has to.

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