Saturday, October 08, 2005

Departure Time is Near

These past weeks, I've been prepping myself for departure to Kuwait. I can't help but think, "Man, I'm going to miss the Sushi here." Oh well, that is life. I'm going to be eating mess hall food for the next six or seven months. Army food shouldn't be that bad... I hope. I'm still going to do my best to keep this blogger up-to-date while out there.

A little good news on my side, me and Soco found out that we are going to become parents. I'm pretty excited and is looking forward to becoming a dad. I noticed that a lot of people use their baby as an excuse for not going out much. I'm not. I'm still going to enjoy Japan as much as possible! Now it gives me an excuse to check out those cool toy stores. I'll be one of those bastards who take a giant baby stroller on the train.

Yesterday, me and Soco went on a bike ride to explore route 16. Somehow, we followed it and somehow, it became another highway. I'm still trying to figure out where route 16 made a turn or stopped. I still don't get how Japanese people can figure out their streets. We didn't find anything cool... We just got the smell of exhaust and sore butts.

1 comment:

Phoebe said...

Congratulations on expecting a baby! Chris and I are happy for you. We know you and Soco will be great parents.