Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Typhoons and Earthquakes

Yesterday, all of the military bases in Japan were evacuated due to the typhoon. It was my first typhoon so I was kinda interested in seeing what it would look like, but they said that the climax of the storm was going to be at 0100 a.m. Darn it, I'm not going to be awake at that time! Anyways, I put out an empty coke can and bag of trash in my balcony just to see how far the winds blow it. Well, this morning, it was still in the same place I left it. I'm wondering if all the tall buildings and skyscrapers broke it up???? The satellite photo on the weather site shows a huge spiral of clouds the size of Japan that have just passed us. I don't get it. Oh well.

Well recently, we also had a large earthquake hit us. It was registered 6.0 on the Richter scale. I was doing some work on my computer and I saw everything shake and wobble back and forth. It was a little scary and funny at the same time. After that, it was back to normal and I went back to my daily routine.

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