Friday, September 10, 2004

1984 Pontiac Fiero

This was my first car. I only paid $1,550 for it back in 12 May 1999. It was real tiny and it consumed lots and lots of gas. I would say about 15 mpg. It made lots of noise too. I ended up selling it for $1,600. I did a lot of refurbishments and repairs to it. New tires and all. Once the repairs became too much of a burdon, I had to sell it. Total maintenance and upkeep costed me about $2,000. And I owned it for about 8 months. Now do the calculations, 2,000 dollars divided by 8 months = $250 a month. I figured that if I wanted to pay $250 a month for a car, wouldn't it be better to do it on a better more reliable vehicle? Used cars are more expensive for what they are. So in Nov of 99, I went out and got a newer car. But getting a used car provided me with the skills and knowledge to maintain my future vehicles. Such as changing out the oil, tires, brakes, mechanical headlights and waterpump.Posted by Hello

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