Being an objective person, I did an experiment to go to 6 different psychics, get a reading and see if they all tell me the same thing.
The results were quite interesting. The quest was to see who was real, who was fake and how they do it.
The first reading I got was incredibly interesting. I started out with a flat out lie to see if the psychic would correct me. And she did. I phrased my question to make it seem I had no doubt about the event such as "why did my father kill himself?" She closed her eyes and took a deep breath and responded with "he didn't kill himself my dear... he died of chest pain". She was right, my father died of a heart attack.
I continued to ask questions to test her ability and when I was happy that she could debunk me at every trick question, I wanted to know about my future. She told me about an event that were to happen in 3 months time and she was specific about what activity would happen. When that time came, I knew in an instant that the psychic was real.
The second psychic I went to was a medium. I found her kind of wierd because she would look above my head and move her hands as if she were moving clouds to see images of what she needed to see. She told me that my father was slapping me in the head and telling me to stop going to psychics.
The third psychic I went to had a broken accent. I could tell that she must be from the Caribbean or something. Somehow she knew how many children I had, what sex and around what age they were.
The 4th psychic had a crystal ball. I almost laughed at the stupid crystal ball, but she used it as if she was reading pages out of a book searching for answers. She told me a lot about my current financial situation and every bit of it was true. She also told me about future money I were to receive and she was correct about that also when the time came about 6 months later.
The 5th psychic I went to claimed to be an intuitive. She would give advice based on what she could feel. I thought she was totally fake because when I asked her questions, she couldn't answer them, instead she would ask me questions so I can answer them myself. When it came to making hard decisions, she wanted me to guide myself and she said that when the time came that "you will know the answer". Total bullshit. In my mind, I was thinking that I wanted my money back but she was nice and was wearing rags for clothes. She also tried to refer me to someone else for some spiritual cleansing that I bet she would make a commission off of. She was obviously fake.
The 6th psychic gave me mixed answers, some came true and some didn't. She had a timer and a good chunk of that time was spent on introduction. I wasn't too pleased because she was rushing me after the timer went off. I couldn't conclude if she were fake, but I know for sure that she was doing it for the money and that she didn't want to talk to me anymore when time ran out.
I have found that it is a good idea to go to older more experienced mediums for psychic advice. Mediums have a 6th sense and can communicate with spirits that are attached to you. I find it amazing how they can tell you about yourself without you telling them. I like to stay quiet and not reveal anything but answer a few questions without going into detail. It's their job to ask spirits for information to give you.
The last psychic I spoke to knew that I was about to change jobs within a few months and that I was taking "classes" in order to prepare myself. She told me to start preparing my resume... did I tell her I was retiring? Nope. Amazing huh?
I highly recommend Hollister Rand. I watched her go around the room speaking to spirits that were connected with the audience. It was pretty convincing because she didn't ask anyone any questions, she just knew stuff and spit out information like a machine gun. I recalled that she looked at one member of the audience and told them that the person that hung himself was very sorry that he ended his life so quickly... the audience member was very amazed and nodded in confirmation.
Things psychics use:
Tarot Cards - Psychics use these as visuals to guide the conversation. The cards can be interpreted in infinite ways because the pictures are highly detailed. A figure holding a box in a hand can mean anything. Click on the link below to add it to your Amazon shopping cart.
In conclusion, based off my experiences. 75% were true psychics. If and when you find one, it is like having a cheat code on a video game.
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