Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Generation Geek

According to Popular Science, "science has conquered television" with shows such as Numb3rs, Bones, ER, Grey's Anatomy, 1 vs 100, and various other television shows. Of course, there is still plenty of junk on tv. It is the year 2007. We have WiFi, Blu-ray discs, hybrid cars, flat screen TVs, IPODs, watches with GPS, etc. The war in Iraq was the first war fought utilizing drones. Technology is always improving. Faster than ever. With population growth and the evergrowing need to save mankind, we are developing super efficient machines that run on biodiesel or hydrogen. It is amazing.

The Outlook of the Future:
I was listening to a Podcast and learned that we have a long way to go to when someone develops the "$8,000 toaster". What he is talking about is the future. In the future, everything will have an IP address. In other words, everything will be connected to the internet. Imagine being able to turn on your washing machine from your cellphone at your work place. Or being called on your cellphone whenever someone rings your doorbell. They were talking about the Global Positioning System (GPS) digital cameras so that the file names of the digital pictures you take will be labeled where you took the photo. Instead of "DSC000456.jpg" it would be named, "Soco's Residence, Yokosuka, Japan 2130 January 23, 2007.jpg." Very interesting stuff. I was wondering if anyone will ever develop an internet friendly grocery store. Where you buy everything on the net and have everything delivered to your home within an hour or two. Wouldn't that be cool? You would save a lot of money because you wouldn't buy extra crap because you saw it on the shelf. How about on-demand television? Yes, someone has already invented TiVo, but how about making it a standard? The future is very bright indeed. :)

1 comment:

hunghuynh said...

already has rolling monitor, are you know ,