Friday, October 06, 2006

The Day of a Thousand Broken Umbrellas

Yesterday, mainland Japan felt the heavy winds and rain of the outskirts of a typhoon. Although the typhoon didn't make landfall, the effects were still felt and seen throughout. I tried to go outside for a couple of seconds to run to the van, but my umbrella broke and my temperature dropped superfast. The rain smacking into my skin felt like freezing pellets. Me and Soco decided to get pizza and I had the bright idea of picking it up. The pizza place where I picked it up is on the harbor and the waves were crashing onto the parking lot. My van was rocking back and forth, but the naval ships were somehow uneffected by the winds and rain. It was a cool sight to see. I ran inside and picked up my pizza. The warmth of the pizza box was comforting as I ran back into the van.
Jumperoo! She loves the Jumperoo!
Nayeli likes to sleep with her feet in the air.
Trying out Gerber Baby Food

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