Monday, July 10, 2023

Addicted to Online Learning

 One of the things that I have an obsession with is taking online courses.  Within the past few years, I've been taking all sorts of classes to learn new hobbies and skills.  With each class I take, I post a review on Youtube.  

In the beginning, I really thought my video editing skills were really great, but in reality, the videos really sucked.  So sometime last year, I took Casey Neistat's Storytelling Class.  I learned a few things here and there, but it didn't turn me into a great filmmaker.  I think everyone has different abilities and ways of thinking which is why when you watch Youtube, there are thousands upon thousands of videos about money, but every single person explains it differently and have different experiences and perspectives.  

I wanted to learn how to paint and post art on my walls so I took Ten Hundred's Creative Acrylic Painting Class.  He is a famous graffiti artist that was based in Seattle, now he goes around the world and paints murals and creates Youtube videos.  He is doing pretty well for himself.  He has a very hip style and very down-to-earth fellow.  When I was taking his class, he even commented on our work!  I have mad respect for that dude.

Another class we took was Christina Tosi's Creative Baking Class.  We learned how to invent our own cookies, pies and cakes.  What I actually learned is that I really don't like cooking.  It's a time consuming process and those sweets are really unhealthy.  Since I can't eat what I make, we have to give it all away.  I wouldn't say that it was a total waste of time, because whenever a potluck comes around, I can contribute by providing cookies or something.

A really fun class that we recently took was David Blaine's Magic Class.  It is really fascinating how he does magic.  There is a lot of tricks to fool people and hide things and distract people.  It is a useful skill in the real world.  Too bad I can't remember how to do the tricks after I watched his videos.  

A class that I feel like I wasted my money on was Kevin Perry's Class on Video Wizardry.  It was really expensive for the amount of information that was given.  But after seeing his video and may other videos on the web, it seems like the standard camera that people are using are Canons because of the lens choices and compatibility with other software such as Dragonframe, a piece of software dedicated to stop motion videos.

So what class am I taking right now you may ask?

I'm taking a class called 30 Day Course Creator.  This class is the most expensive class I have taken so far.  ~$700.  With this class, I hope to learn how to create my own classes and upload them and learn how to use Facebook ads and such.  So far, I'm learning a lot about finance and accounting.  The really push really hard in the first few days in the class with the boring Excel spreadsheet data stuff.  I'm actually starting to get bored of it.  But who knows, I'll keep trekking on and see what I come up with.

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