Wednesday, May 09, 2018

Job Seeking with the Federal Government

Since my last post, I got two notifications from my applications for job positions within the federal government.   I applied for two separate blue collar jobs that at a minimum requires a high school diploma and 2 years of experience and some type of formal schooling or nationally recognized accredited certification.  I applied for the jobs about 5 months ago and since then, I have applied for numerous others and eventually, I got hired by a large private company that has a global presence.

What is interesting about the government jobs is that they are required to inform you of the reason of not getting hired.  Although, I had a valid Bachelor's Degree from a technical school, certification and 20 years of experience, they still told me I was lacking in education and/or experience.  Does this mean that my last post was correct?  Are other people more qualified than me applying for the same job?  That is simply amazing to me and further confirms that the market is over-saturated with qualified candidates.

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