Monday, October 13, 2014

Analyzing the Possibility and the Advantages of Homelessness

Being that rents, mortgages and HOA fees are so ridiculously high, homelessness has become an option for many here in San Diego.  The average rent as of June 2015 is $1,514.  Middle class families are forced to move out of rentals and purchase, which is driving up home prices.  Although, apartment complexes are being built, it could take many years for the home market and rents to drop again.

After speaking with some active duty Sailors that work with me, I have found out that some of them are indeed homeless and are bouncing around on people's couches.  Make no mistake, these guys are still collecting BAH which is the basic allowance for housing, yet they want to pocket that money or pay for a home in a remote location which makes it unfeasible to drive to and from work.  After contemplating this option myself, I have opted not to.  It would be rather simple to just live in my car and shower at work, eat at the galley for breakfast, lunch and dinner for less than $8 a day.  It's quite enticing if you put the numbers together.  The savings are exponential.  A major question I would have for myself would be what I would do with all the extra time?  Would I hang out at the beach all day?  Where would I sleep?  A rental solves that issue since I have a bed, wireless internet, laptop and cable TV to keep me company.  But I've always wondered can I do without it?  Can't I just sleep in my car and read books at the public library to kill time?  Doing things like dating and going to bars is out of the question for me for I pay child support which consumes a big chunk of my pay.  The money I have left is better utilized for food and other basic necessities in order to survive.  So would I do it? 


Because after speaking with the Sailors actually living on the streets are extremely unhappy with their lives and their current situation.  They tend to be embarrassed to explain what they did on the weekend or end up finding 2nd employment. 

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