Sunday, August 08, 2010

Indian Edge Caverns

Before a day at Hershey, I wanted to check out the caverns in the neighboring city. The name of the caverns was, Indian Edge Caverns. It was founded by the Indians, of course, but they didn't venture very far into the cave. It wasn't until the 1800's that a farmer took residence inside the cabin and lived there until his demise late 1800s. It then became a private cavern and about 30 years ago, they paved a trail inside the cave and put up lights for easy viewing. There is still graffiti from early 1800s advertising peanuts, but the peanut company ran out of business over 125 years ago. Interesting... well worth the visit.

Nayeli and Vicky were very scared and wanted to leave. Do not take toddlers inside caves! Lesson learned.

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