Tuesday, January 14, 2014

10 Reasons Why Dads make better Parents.

Being that have no reason to fear any repercussions from anyone, I do firmly believe that Dads make better parents.  Why you ask?
  1. Dads let kids fight each other.
    • It teaches them how to win and how to deal with losing.
  2. Dads play rough.
    • The outside world is tough.  Dads are tougher.
  3. Dads don't care how the kids are dressed or keeping up with the neighbors.
  4. Dads love to eat meat.  Lots of it.
    • Grilled steak, sloppy joe, hotdogs, hamburgers....  Yum.  Kids aren't meant to eat like deer.
  5. Dads watch shows like the Discovery Channel and How Things Work.
    • Talk shows are a complete waste of time.
  6. LEGOS.
  7. Dads are not afraid of bugs. 
    • What if your kid is learning to be an entomologist?
  8. Dads can go anywhere, anytime, do anything, anywhere and has the strength to do more without reserve.
  9. Dads understand mechanics and can answer the daily barrage of questions pertaining to engineering and why things work and why things are the way they are.
  10. And lastly, Dads do it better.
    • Reading a book for naptime.
    • Cuddling
    • Walking around the mall with kids hanging on all limbs
Moms are good to, however, I'm having a really hard time trying to come up with number one.

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