With thousands and thousands of views on this blog, sometimes I wonder if some of the views are coming from people I know. It is interesting that once, because I used to post a ton of information about Japan, this blog has gotten me backstage to an Everclear concert. Someone who recognized who I was, instantly invited me to come backstage. I got pictures with the band and had a 10 minute chit-chat with lead singer. This blog has almost gotten me in trouble in the past and got me fired from a job and it's brief removal has also caused some turmoil during my breakup in marriage as well. To add on to that, I know the government is monitoring this site to see if I make any slipups concerning OPSEC and such.
I wouldn't call myself a celebrity, because to be considered that, you must have millions of adoring fans. I'm a normal person just like most of you. And to all of you who continuously check on this site, I sincerely thank you. Although, I know that blogging on here is a complete waste of my time and that I get no money from it what-so-ever, I hope this site remains to be somewhat relevant to others.
Since I started Blogging, I have joined a social media thing that you may all know of called Facebook. It is fascinating and addicting and people can easily be hooked on clicking on pictures and links and stuff. I have recently came in the realization that it is like a drug and before you know it, you end up spending hours on it. Hours that I could've spent on doing something more productive, especially since posting on Facebook only reaches a close circle of friends. Through Blogger, I can reach 7 billion people without much effort. Now that's powerful.
P.S. If this is your first time visiting this site then, welcome! Take off your hat and stay a while. Click on the time line to the right to view the chronological postings of my insane adventures.
Overlooking the 805 on Adams