Tonight, the most unusual turn of events had occurred.
I was sitting and studying Japanese before the Everclear concert and a guy walked up to me and said, "You must be IncrediblyX". He had told me that he comes here to this website to learn about Yokosuka and life in Japan. I was just shocked and flattered at the same time because it was the first time someone had recognized who I was based on that lousy picture on this blog site. I didn't know that I had regular fans who come here. It really is quite flattering.
After our mini-chat, the concert was beginning. I have never been to a rock concert before, but I knew what "No Moshing" means.
Mr. Art Alexakis made it ever so clear that there was no moshing allowed... mostly because it is a family atmosphere. Anyways, the music started and the melody of strung guitar was screaming through the loud speakers on my right side. I thought I was going deaf, so I moved back towards the building and away from the speakers. My inexperience in rock concerts has totally made me ignorant of the "loud speaker". And now I'm kind of speaker-phobic.
(my computer speakers are turned down really low and, by the way, my ears are still ringing)
Everclear played their top hits of the 90's plus some new music coming out on their new CD at a future date. I noticed a lot of Generation X'ers were there, not much the "new to the Navy(military)" crowd. It was fantastic!
Everclear in Concert

Near the end, the same gentleman came back to me and he seemed to be having a really good time. But this person, who will remain Anonymous, had asked me to come join him backstage! It was amazing luck to meet a person had enough power over people to be able to get backstage and shake hands with the lead singer of Everclear.
Mr. Art had told me that I might be able to see him again in concert when I go to the middle east. Real good guy. I didn't want to smoother him with unimportant questions since I figured that being a celebrity he is probably tired of that. I tried to remain calm and relaxed during his presence in our short 5 minute conversation. It was his first concert in Japan which makes this visit extra special. We snapped some pictures together and he autographed my copy of the Everclear picture.
X and Art

This concert reminded me of how much I love rock music. Being married and all, exposed me to various "girlie" music, in which some I'm unashamed of. But with Soco on vacation, I can relax and enjoy so really good movies and music at home. And stare at all the Japanese things I want without being hassled about being "boring". I can already imagine her saying, "Why don't you ever talk to me?" She just doesn't understand.... I like to immerse myself in deep thought. I try to enjoy where I'm at, at that particular moment of time. I can stop and marvel at a building because of it's amazing architecture and I think about how the creative geniuses came up with an idea like that. Another example is food. I eat it slow so that I can taste all the ingredents in it and enjoy the hard work put into making it. Soco told me that she chews her food about 5 or less times and swollows it. No way. I can't do that.
Anyways, my birthday had just passed and I would like to thank everybody who said "Happy Birthday" to me. Soco and her family, Garth, Phoebe, Mom and Dad. It's really a treat to know that other people care. No thanks to the government. I worked my ass off the day after.