Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Words of Wisdom

"The key to happiness is to obliterate disappointment. To eliminate disappointment, lower your standards even when the status quo is below standards. Only then, when this baseline is exceeded, your new mindset will be estatic. Repeat this infinitely until you die." - Exion H.

A good example of this happened to me recently. I had assigned four of my guys to take a forklift driving test. I expected one to pass. After the long weekend, I came to find out that none had passed. Two of my guys forgot their signed paperwork and got kicked out of the class, one could barely read English and the other one failed because of stupidity. I wasn't too terribly mad because my expectations were low. A week later, they were all afforded a chance to retake the class. I lowered my standards and expected all four to fail and three of them to forget their paperwork. When they came back the next day, they all passed the class and received their forklift license! I was excited beyond belief!!!